• Published On: October 10, 2018

    Setting up an e-commerce business can be a very exciting prospect. Once you set up your website and are ready to take orders, you need to master one crucial aspect of the business — shipping. Shipping isn’t just transporting the product from the warehouse to the customer. You need to [...]

  • Published On: October 1, 2018

    Trick or treat, costumes, jack o’ lanterns; Halloween is a fun and exciting time of year. Extra exciting for e-commerce entrepreneurs because Halloween is the start of the holiday sales period. A well thought out Halloween marketing campaign can make for a great start to what’s the busiest period of [...]

  • Published On: September 25, 2018

    The opinions we find most compelling are always our own. This is true for you, and it's true for your customers. It’s far easier to give people the information they need to reach their own opinions than it is to convince them to agree with your opinions. High performing e-commerce [...]

  • Published On: September 17, 2018

    This year, Black Friday (November 23, 2018) will kick off a shopping season that will create 30% of total sales revenue for the year. Over a hundred million of us will abandon the comfort of the sofa to drag ourselves out into the cold and brave shopping in the Black [...]

  • Published On: September 4, 2018

    We may not be ready for carols and mince pies just yet, but lots of people are already thinking about Christmas shopping. According to Yes mail Interactive, 38.1% of people start their Christmas shopping before November. This jumps up to 69.8% of people starting their Christmas shopping before the 1st [...]

  • Published On: October 31, 2017

    What is Small Business Saturday? Black Friday and Cyber Monday tend to be dominated by big businesses. Small Business Saturday was introduced by American Express, in an attempt to redress the balance. Initially introduced in the US 7 years ago, an impressive 72 percent of U.S. consumers now know about [...]

  • Published On: September 27, 2017

    BigCommerce SEO Basics Your BigCommerce is your own unique e-commerce area of the internet. It is your responsibility as a merchant to market your site and get customers to visit. Search engine optimization (SEO) is only one part of that marketing mix, but most online shoppers start the buying process [...]

  • Published On: September 18, 2017

    The dream of anyone setting up their own online e-commerce business is that it will grow and grow and, to paraphrase Only Fools and Horses’ Del Boy, “One day we’ll be millionaires”. But growth has some other ‘cushdy’ advantages outside of riches – economies of scale. The idea is a [...]

  • Published On: September 6, 2017

    During the five day period from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday in 2016 consumers spent a total of $12.8 billion online in the U.S, according to Adobe Digital Insights. That represents a 15% increase over 2015. Nevertheless, that figure pales compared to the $17.8 billion spent online on China’s 2016 Singles [...]

  • Published On: August 1, 2017

    Retail is a multi channel business and shoppers now have more choice than ever in terms of goods and services than ever before. At present shoppers can buy your goods through your website, your store, perhaps your app, your mobile website, and a dizzying array of marketplaces, from the mighty [...]

  • Published On: July 13, 2017

    According to Yes mail Interactive, 38.1% of people start their Christmas shopping before November which jumps up to 69.8% of people starting their Christmas shopping before the 1st December. Merchants must act now to get their inventory, processes, and protocols in place if they hope to see good performance come [...]

  • Published On: May 24, 2017

    Statistics show that, while numbers can vary between industries, the overall rate of cart abandonment is 73.9%. Reasons for abandonment vary, with distraction, confusion, security, mobile accessibility, and delivery costs being the most common. As many as 75% of people who abandon carts, do so intending to return and complete [...]

  • Published On: January 24, 2017

    According to Marketing Metrics, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. When a customer is making a purchase, they are already in the mind set to buy.  It is the best time to sell them [...]

  • Published On: July 29, 2016

    Gone are the days when eBay was just an online auction platform. Although its heritage is still clear, the site is now used to sell all kinds of products in all kinds of ways, and its flexibility has been embraced by everyone from amateur antiques dealers to big-name, high-street retailers. [...]

  • Published On: June 21, 2012

    Huge congratulations to Jeremy from www.WatchandGrow.com.au, the winner of our FREE advanced eBay Design competition draw. The competition was very popular with over 100 different entries at our recent PeSA 2012 exhibition, with the eventual winner being drawn on Friday 1st of June. “I am so happy about winning this [...]

  • Published On: March 8, 2012

    eBay Seller Release 12.1 :: eBay Listing Update :: Seller Auction Duplicate Listings (Late May) To create a fairer and enjoyable eBay market place, eBay are removing duplicate seller auction listings from top search visibility. Essentially, if you’re a seller with 100 identical cups and you list each as an [...]

  • Published On: March 6, 2012

    eBay Seller Release 12.1 :: List Title Product Search Relevancy Product relevancy is key when shopping online, the faster a seller can find what they are looking for the more likely they are to engage and buy your products. So it’s no surprise that eBay have updated product search to [...]

  • Published On: February 29, 2012

    Seller Release 12.1 :: www.eBay.com eBay Listing Updates USA (Early July) In efforts to enhance the eBay buying experience eBay have introduced the following product listing enhancements. (Please note, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information) 12 Free Images Per eBay Product Listing (July 2nd) [...]

  • Published On: October 10, 2011

    Increase your eBay sales by optimising your eBay listing titles! Choosing the right keywords is crucial for your eBay listing strategy, often making the difference between being found and making the sale and not... When building your eBay product listing titles, consider: Your Professional Look The Relevancy of product keywords [...]

  • Published On: September 26, 2011

    Google products reminder! With the latest Google Products update in full swing, we just wanted to send another reminder on this update and what it means to you and eBay Sellers. Last week, Google updated their product search algorithm to exclude many items including eBay listings which don’t have product [...]


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