eBay Advertising

eBay Ads – eBay Promoted Listings

Powered By Boost Analytics

Frooition’s eBay Ads Manager tool, powered by Boost Analytics, is now available for all sellers to use to achieve a better Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) on their eBay Promoted Listing campaigns

Our eBay Ads Manager tool allows sellers to use eBay Promoted listings strategically, to promote listings, and aim for the top spot in eBay search to leverage more visibility and clicks into your listings, helping increase sales conversion rates (SCR).

With performance data, metrics, analysis, and actions, all in one easy to understand dashboard.

“Sellers who have adopted Promoted Listings see, on average, a double-digit sales increase.”

eBay Advertising
eBay Advertising
eBay Advertising

eBay Ad Manager Features

In-depth Analysis of PLA & PLS Campaigns, to discover action points for each campaign.

Deep dive into Keyword Analysis for your PLA Campaigns to see which keywords are working and those which aren’t

PLA Campaign Optimisation, discover and add new highly trending keywords to your campaign.

PLA Campaign Fast Set Up, let the eBay Ads Manager create high performing PLA campaigns, ad groups, and bid strategy, automatically for you. All you need to do is review and launch.

PLA Clone & Optimise, taking your existing campaign, duplicating it, and adding popular keywords, so you may then A/B Test to see which gives better results.

PLA Search Query Analysis, shows you exactly what search terms people are using on eBay when they find your products. This will help you add more keywords to your campaign that match precisely the search term buyers use. You may also find negative keywords (keywords that you don’t want to lead to your products as they aren’t relevant to it) that you can then filter out of your campaign.

PLA Budget Adjustment, if your campaign is currently out of budget for the day, you may use our budget adjuster to find out how much your could increase your budget by, and the estimated impressions/clicks this could lead to.

Optimise Listings for better visibility

Poorly optimised eBay listings will not only underperform organically on eBay but also when in a eBay Ads Campaign. This can result in these poorly optimised listings mis-spending your eBay advertising budget, and having a poor return on ad spend (ROAS).

Boost Analytics is the all-in-one sales and optimisation tool to help eBay Sellers with:

  • Maximising eBay Listing Performance.
  • eBay Listing Optimisation.
  • Easy Item Specifics.
  • In Depth listing analysis.
  • eBay listings impressions, click through rate, sales conversion rate reports.
  • Optimised Sales Analysis.
  • Which listings are suitable for Promoted Listings.
  • & Much More…

There are two types of Promoted Listings strategies to use

There are two types of Promoted Listings strategies to use

Promoted Listings Standard

Promoted Listings Standard gives sellers a super simple way to easily promote items: Simply select the items you want to promote, set your ad rate percentage you are willing to pay and eBay will promote your items.

This tool puts your listing in high-visiblity placements across the eBay network and can also assist your search ranking, helping your items stand out to boost your chances of selling. When the item sells as a result of this advertising you pay that percentage to eBay on top of your normal fees.

This is known as a Cost Per Sale (CPS) model.
Want even better results? Take a holistic approach by using both Promoted Listing Advanced and Promoted Listings Standard to expand reach and visibility across the eBay network.

Promoted Listings Advanced

Promoted Listings Advanced is a cost-per-click type of advertising that lets sellers drive traffic to their listings with preferred access to the most premium placements on eBay, using keyword and budget controls.

With Promoted Listings Advanced, you bid on the keywords that you think buyers are going to use to search for items like yours. If you have the winning bid for a keyword, your listing appears in premium placements. Every time a buyer clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged an amount up to the bid you placed.

You set a daily budget and the cost-per-click on each of your keywords. Once your campaign has used up its daily budget, your campaign will stop serving ads until the next day, when the budget resets.
This is known as a Cost Per Click (CPC) Model.

eBay Advertising

How do I get started?

eBay Advertising

How do I get started with eBay advertising?

Start a trial of the Frooition software: https://secure.frooition.com/signup/ebay/?referrer=boost Existing clients login: here

Click ‘eBay Ads’ in the left hand navigation

The eBay Ads Manager will now download your eBay Ads and Campaigns and start analysing these.

Once complete, you will receive an email notification that eBay Ads report and analysis is ready and you can start optimising existing eBay ads and creating new eBay Ad Campaigns.


Let's talk about your project

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