• Published On: September 16, 2024

    With over 179 million active buyers in over 100 countries, eBay gives sellers instant access to a global marketplace. But how can you make the most of this exposure and increase your eBay sales ? This guide covers key considerations and best practice you need to follow when selling on [...]

  • Published On: June 14, 2023

    Whatever you want to sell on eBay, customers are there. And with eBay’s average visit duration being 50% longer than on Amazon, eBay is the perfect place to cross sell to browsers and increase your average sale value. Competition is fierce, trends change fast, and popular items can quickly fall out [...]

  • Published On: August 26, 2022

    The cost of living crisis caused by rising energy costs and the subsequent squeeze on household budgets will hit online retail businesses hard this winter. Not only will people have less money to spend on little luxuries and everyday essentials, but the cost of doing business will also soar as [...]

  • Published On: July 7, 2021

    Are you cross selling on eBay to boost sales? As we mentioned in our 10 eBay essentials, cross promotion is a huge part of optimising listings. One of Frooition's most powerful features is the dynamic cross promotion sections within every eBay product listing template. Dynamic Cross selling on eBay offers alternative products [...]

  • Published On: June 24, 2021

    Frooition are delighted to announce the immediate availability of an exciting new advertising service in partnership with eBay. This service, eBay Promoted Listings, is now available to Frooition eBay customers within our eBay-certified Frooition software suite. You can start a free 30-day eBay Ads Trial here: https://www.frooition.com/ebay-advertising/ The Promoted Listings advertising [...]

  • Published On: June 15, 2021

    Direct Plants are a celebrated, eBay award winning, seller. They have built a hugely successful eBay business over the last 15 years. They reached the pinnacle of what is possible on eBay, the team turned their focus to e-commerce... Their legacy website, running on an old self-hosted platform did not perform [...]

  • Published On: May 14, 2021

    Custom eBay brand design sets you apart from competitors and keeps customers in your eBay listings for longer. Not just exciting visuals, custom eBay listing design can include extra sales features like video in listings, dynamic cross-promotion and software for motors and motor parts sellers. It’s important that your customers know [...]

  • Published On: November 11, 2020

    Once considered an auction house for bedroom sellers, eBay is now a reliable multi-channel marketplace that allows blue-chip sellers to offer their branded products to a huge audience. Adding to Amazon’s marketplace lets you increase the level of exposure your products get and reach a much bigger audience. There are [...]

  • Published On: October 13, 2020

    Did you know that nearly 2/3rds of 7-figure ecommerce businesses saw their revenue either increase or stay the same since the global pandemic hit earlier this year?  Customers shifted their consumption almost entirely online when stay at home orders were put in place this spring, which led to an explosion [...]

  • Published On: October 7, 2020

    What is eBay SEO? We know search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search. For websites there are well documented best practices to improve your search engine ranking, from relevant page titles, sitemaps, meta tagging, just to [...]

  • Published On: September 3, 2019

    Want to increase your eBay sales? Well of course, who wouldn’t. Well, the first step is getting your items seen by more buyers. It is possible to boost this through sponsored listings and paying for additional listing features. However, there is an effortless, free, and effective way to achieve this: [...]

  • Published On: August 29, 2019

    Having access to a comprehensive suite to monitor any eCommerce analytics is business-critical. Trying to run any website without a good view of your analytics is like trying to ride a bike blindfolded. When it comes to an e-commerce website without analytics; it’s like trying to ride a bike blindfolded, [...]

  • Published On: July 1, 2019

    Popularised by business bloggers and keynote speakers, the phrase growth hacking is the perfect mix of snappy enthusiasm and aspiration. Like hustle, it's a phrase that's never monotone. There's a natural energy to it's quick simplicity. Growth - we all want that. Hacking - getting what we want even faster [...]

  • Published On: June 24, 2019

    Email is one of the highest converting forms of e-commerce marketing. Every e-commerce business should be sending regular mails. If you haven't already got one, you should make building your mailing list a priority. Following that, you should start to build your e-commerce email campaigns. To get you ready, we [...]

  • Published On: June 17, 2019

    Marketing a BigCommerce store, it's always important to keep consistent branding. From your products to your customer service responses. Branding goes far beyond adding your logo to everything. But when marketing a BigCommerce store, it's easy to get lost in the numbers and forget the importance of making a good first [...]

  • Published On: June 11, 2019

      You can sell all types of vehicles including cars, trucks and motorcycles, as well as their parts and accessories in the motors category on eBay UK motors. Vehicles, parts and accessories can be listed in the same formats as most other product categories. You can choose to list as [...]

  • Published On: June 5, 2019

    Traffic is guaranteed on eBay. But converting viewers into customers and increasing order value will always be a challenge. For your business to grow, you should be cross selling on eBay. When done right, cross selling can help customers, shorten the purchase journey, and increase revenue.   What is cross [...]

  • Published On: May 28, 2019

    With more and more brands and retailers selling online, customers are spoilt for choice. If you want them to choose to buy from you, it’s essential to distinguish your business from the competition. Positioning a business in its own unique space can be achieved using a combination of two approaches. [...]

  • Published On: May 23, 2019

    One of the hallmarks of a great brand is a confident and distinctive tone of voice. These brands know exactly who their customers are and speak to them in a way that’s natural and engaging. Tone of voice is the result of the choices a brand makes about the language, [...]

  • Published On: May 20, 2019

    Facebook has 1.39 billion active users. Whoever you sell to, they will be on Facebook. And Facebook offers advertisers a range of tools to target their ads with incredible precision. As a result, typical ROI from Facebook ads is 152%! If you are not yet using Facebook advertising and are [...]


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