eBay Seller Release 12.1 :: eBay Listing Update :: Seller Auction Duplicate Listings (Late May)

To create a fairer and enjoyable eBay market place, eBay are removing duplicate seller auction listings from top search visibility. Essentially, if you’re a seller with 100 identical cups and you list each as an auction listing, only one of your one hundred cups will appear in the top search results at any given time. This will massively enhance the buying experience on eBay and remove the risk of any single seller dominating all auction product search.

(Please note, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information)


  • From May 28th, identical items listed in both auction-style with buy it now and fixed price listing formats will be in violation to the duplicate listing policy and will be removed
  • From May 28th, identical items listed in auction-style formats with a buy it now option will be in violation of the duplicate listing policy and will be removed

As a seller, how does this help me?

Pleasingly, this update creates a fairer and more enjoyable eBay market place, where all sellers have the same exposure opportunity without having auction products drowned out by any single seller.

What do I need to do as a seller?

If you have a large quantity of identical items revise your listing strategy to meet these new standard requirements.

Top Tips:

  • Adopt these new listing requirements before May 28th to preserve your product exposure and sales
  • Avoid listing multiple auction-style listings with the Buy It Now option when listings with an identical item already exist
  • Avoid relisting any Auction-style listings with the Buy It Now option if an identical item is also listed in a Fixed Price format

Check back each day over the next two weeks for a detail release on each key highlight of eBay Seller Release 12.1!

Check back tomorrow for a detailed release on eBay’s New Buyer and Seller Protections :: (Early April)

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