Face book live, vloggers and branded content on Snapchat are some of the most powerful, fastest growing internet channels. Martha Stewart opened Channel Advisor’s Catalyst 2017 in Nashville last week saying that she can get up to 500,000 people viewing facebook live videos which she shoots from her phone. Consumers and brands can’t get enough of video content. Video in e-commerce is also a growing trend, and it’s becoming increasingly important.

Our internet experience is getting faster and becoming increasingly mobile. We want information quicker and with less effort. Videos allow us to absorb more information, faster than any other content form. In the past two years, time spent watching video online has increased by 38.5%.

Video increases time on site.

Video content makes customers spend up to 88% more time on your site.

The longer visitors stay on your site, the more likely they are to purchase. According to Invodo, over two thirds of shoppers who play video in e-commerce sites watch video to at least 80% completion.
Video reviews are probably the most powerful form of social proof. They increase session duration by 340% when featured on product pages.

Video is good for search.

14% of internet search results feature video.

According to Buffer, pages with video content see an increase of 157% in organic traffic from search engines. Google also says video campaigns will soon be grouped just like any other ad through AdWords. Meaning videos will be even more likely to show up in Google searches.

Video is good for buyer decisions.

Consumers feel 57% more confident when they encounter video content on their shopping journey.

Product videos in e-commerce sites offer the 360 degree look-and-feel product experience they’d have in a brick and mortar store. It helps customers trust your product and your website. 73% of consumers say they are more likely to buy a product after watching a video explaining how it works.

Video in e-commerce sites helps customers to understand what they’re buying. So, customers are less likely to be surprised by the products when they arrive. Consequently, videos help to minimise product returns. 57% of consumers say videos make them more confident in products they buy and less likely to return their orders.

Video is a powerful sales tool, and as the way we use the internet is changing, its influence is growing. More than half, or about 57%, of consumers around the world watch videos on their mobile phones daily. The mobile phone is becoming the “default device” for Web access. The number of mobile-only internet users will reach 52.3 million by 2021. Up from 40.7 million this year.

Customer behaviour is shifting towards mobile. Visual content is favoured over text. Video in e-commerce gives customers In response to this, Frooition have developed an active content free, cost effective method to embed video content into eBay listings. Book a talk with one of our integrations specialists to discuss how you could harness the power of video in mobile compatible, active content free listings.

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