building trust on your ecommerce website

Building trust on your e-commerce website is essential to its success. Here, we share some key points on creating a website that lets customers know that they can buy from you with confidence.

Contact information

The biggest way to reassure customers that you are a trustworthy business, is to make it immediately clear how they can contact you. Email and phone number should not need to be searched for. Social media and chat functions on the website are also valuable. The more methods you offer customers for contacting you, the better. Making your customer service as easily accessible as your products is a massive part of building trust on your e-commerce website. To be extra customer friendly, put a note of your customer service hours, so that customers are not disappointed if they have to wait for a response.

Be consistent

Keep what was on your landing page visible on your product pages: contact information, credibility markers, live chat options, etc.

Add a personal touch

Add a blog or an about us page, to tell your story and show your expertise. Write in a consistent tone, so that customers can feel that they know your company and what approach to expect from you. Avoid using stock photos. It’s better to post a real photo of your team and humanise your interaction with your customers.

secure ecommerce

Be open

A major key to building customer trust is the option to exchange or return the product in the event of something being wrong. Make sure your shipping and returns policies visible and easy to find.

SSL certificates

Having an SSL Certificate confirms that you are who you say you are. This is a key point of gaining customer trust. It shows the customer that your site is a trustworthy one.

Delivery info

Display a delivery calculator to help your customer understand how much the total purchase will cost. Offer several secured payment and delivery options to give your customers as many choices as possible. Never hide the delivery costs at any point

Be mobile

Trust and security concerns are the main barriers to purchase for customers on mobile. Ensure that your site appears well on mobile, has good load time and has a short check out process, with security badges.

Improving the customer experience and making your site more informative with clear pictures, policies and contact details is a massive part of building trust on your e-commerce website. Following through on these with consistent service, smooth delivery and returns, will secure customer trust and win you their loyalty.

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