Going multi-channel can be a major step in growing your online business and has many benefits; however it can be a daunting task. Where do you start and how do you do it?

The first task is decide which channels you wish to sell on. We would always recommend selling on eBay & Bigcommerce as a great entry into multi-channel trading.

The next big challenge is replicating your data on both channels. If you have a database or spreadsheet of your products then this can be an easy task. However if your company data has grown organically then this can be a more difficult task.

One issue we often help customers with is copying their data from eBay onto Bigcommerce.
We have outlined a number of methods that should help the majority of sellers get their product information from eBay into Bigcommerce.

Let Frooition help with this fantastic whitepaper showing you 3 methods to transfer your data from eBay into Bigcommerce:

Download Free Whitepaper

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