
As a certified eBay provider specializing in design we have provided services for a lot of eBay sellers. Over the many years we have been crafting eBay designs we have seen many styles, trends and features come and go.

We used to see clients asking for very bright designs with lots of small product images and clients showing that they sold “a bit of everything”. The designs followed a more strict layout as the average desktop screen size was smaller than today.

There was a consensus that the more “stuff” you showed the more likely you were to make a sale; stores appeared crowded, jammed with promotional areas, and there were a lot of actions to click on.  There was a real ethos of more is more!

Trends and fashions have now changed, clients have specialized and there is a much bigger focus on an individual product type; this may be because there are now so many more of us shopping on eBay that it becomes worthwhile to focus on a particular product base.


It is no longer uncommon for us to design for a seller that only has a few products in their range; this means the whole store design can be tailored to one product range, making it more obvious to a customer what your business does.

There has also been more a move with the design imagery to show lifestyle imagery rather than flat product images.  For example: you aren’t selling a football, you are selling the experience of playing football with your family in the sun!

Our clients have moved towards useful functionality and away from flashy gimmicks, the easier and faster a customer can find a product; the more likely you are to convert a sale.

We have seen a lot more focus on navigation; customers are linking to custom pages to explain terms and conditions and displaying user friendly category structures.

Not all trends have been purely been fashionable crazes, advances in technology and other 3rd party technologies have shaped and influenced eBay design.

Video in listings

We often have sellers looking for the ability to integrate video (particularly YouTube) into their listings to create a richer experience. This became popular partly due to the increase in broadband/3g speeds, the ease of use of YouTube and the increasing quality of smart phone video capabilities.

No longer do you need to buy an expensive digital camcorder and a computer powerful enough to edit your product videos; you can simply snap a 2 minute video and upload directly to the web ready to add to your listings.

The Frooition eBay design management software allows sellers to easily add a YouTube video into listings using the YouTube embed code.

Clean, flat single column design  

There is a definite trend towards a clean, white store and listing with flat, understated design. Many TopSeller and signature customers opt for a single column layout with simplified header navigation.

The single column layout showcases products logically and encourages customers to scroll without being distracted. With internet speeds increasing it is also possible to use bigger beautiful images that utilize the extra width of a 1 column layout and really make an impact.

The clean white design trend means anything with color really stands out from the page, on an eCommerce site this is usually going to be images of your product or the call to action – making it easier and faster for a customer to navigate your store.

There has also been a move towards flatter design with larger buttons and clearer text.  This is partly fashion based but also has the benefit of faster load times and easier navigation – especially for mobile users.

For examples see:

Fading interactive imagery

One of the most popular features of our TopSeller and Signature eBay design services is the fading interactive imagery.  The motion of the fading imagery draws customer’s attention to read your important points or to take in exactly what you sell.

The ability to show several images in one place means you can cram in more information without lengthening the page or overcrowding. Because you are in control of the fading imagery you can use it to tell a story, whether it shows all the elements of an outfit from head to toe or explains how your product works. The fading imagery can almost be used as an online slideshow to really explain what your business is all about.

Improved navigation

Sellers are realising that the faster a customer gets to the correct product the more likely they are to buy, this means that you need to get a customer to a product in as little clicks as possible but also through specific enough terms that only the correct product is returned.

There are a few ways to combat this challenge including: Graphical category boxes, drop down searches and brand search boxes.

These allow buyers to click on a picture of a category or the name of a brand and go straight to that category or brand without the risk of misspelling the keyword.

In the case of the drop-down searches these can be built to be specific to the sellers product; for example we often create drop down searches that narrow car parts down into make model and part – meaning a customer can see the exact parts that fit their vehicle.

Mobile compatible listings

EBay are constantly releasing data about how important mobile is for eBay sellers, currently 30% of all eBay sales are “touched” by mobile so it is vital that your listings work on mobile devices. Old flash based templates do not work on all mobile devices so you may be jeopardizing your sales with if you use flash in a template. The majority of none-mobile templates will initially appear small on a mobile device and require the user to pinch and zoom the listing, they will then need to swipe around to read the description – these are all barriers to a sale.

With this in mind, Frooition have developed a new service for mobile eBay templates. The templates have been optimized to display correctly on all mobile devices, the load times are even smaller and the text and buttons are all optimized specifically for mobile.

Find out more about mobile templates here.

We have collected all of our most popular features together and added them to our eBay Top Seller design service.

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