30morexmasEBay sellers are getting busy sourcing new stock, testing new product lines, prepping seasonal promotions and ensuring staffing levels are set for the busiest time of the year.

The bulk of these sellers will make the majority of their annual turnover in the last quarter of the year; however, if you utilise an eBay store and listing design effectively you can actually squeeze up to 30% more sales from your store!

It takes just 3 seconds for a prospective buyer to decide if they are going to engage with a seller before making a buying decision. Great design helps capture buyers that would normally back out of your listings and go to a competitor.

Think of it like walking down a busy high street with two shops next to each other, you walk into one shop; its dark, uninviting, you can’t tell what they sell and the staff seem unapproachable. You go next door and it’s brightly lit, the products are well laid out and the staff are friendly and helpful.

Where would you feel most comfortable asking questions about the product?

If a buyer won’t engage with a seller, they have already lost the sale without the buyer even seeing the product…

Make your products more inviting with design and benefit from:

  • Increased sales
  • Increased Buyer confidence
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • An enhanced brand
  • A wonderful buying experience

Where to start with eBay design?

 Frooition have a professional team of experts, dedicated to delivering outstanding designs specifically for ecommerce businesses.

Sellers complete a design specification form outlining their ideas and requirements, our expert designers provide a custom branding preview. The seller is then invited to make changes to the preview and the designer reworks the mock-up. Once the seller is happy the design is installed into their eBay account and the support team provide help and training documentation get up and running.

Speak to one of our design consultants and they will answer any questions you may have.

Act now to get your design complete and installed in time to benefit from seasonal sales!

“The design has had a big impact on our business. Besides a sizable increase in sales – people look at our site and know we mean serious business”

–       Collectables Cafe

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