In order to provide and encourage the best possible experience for their buyers, eBay are upgrading the standards required to achieve Top Rated Seller (TRS) Status.

Key Highlights:

  • Minimum sales value to move from £2,500 to £1,000 in the past year
  • Maximum count of 1-2 star detailed seller ratings will be 0.5% or 2
  • Updated TRS badge on listings
  • Better visibility in Best Match search results
  • 15%  Discount for Final Value Fees on

Top Rated Seller Requirements:

In order to achieve TRS status you must:

  • Offer a minimum returns period of 14 calendar days (using the new returns policy options)
  • Offer 1 or same day dispatch
  • Offer an express delivery option (delivery within 1 day)
  • Offer a free postage option

For a full list of TSR requirements see:

Live Date: Autumn 2013

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