Seller Release 12.1 :: Top Rated Seller Requirements Update (Early June)

All sellers should aim to become a Top Rated Seller to enjoy the many benefits it brings including fee discounts, exclusive search boost for fixed product listings, a strong badge of association and best of all increased sales from the massive buyer confidence associated with all Top Rated Sellers.

(Please note, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information)

Highlights, From June 1st

  • Annual sales requirements for Top-rated status will be lowered from $3,000 to $1,000, so more sellers who provide a great service can enjoy the many benefits of becoming a Top Rated Seller
  • Listings that offer 1-day or same day handling and a 14-day (or longer) returns will benefit from increased search visibility on eBay and receive a discount of 20% on final value fees
  • Top Rated Sellers must provide tracking information or a delivery confirmation on at least 90% of your shipments (from June 20th)

As a seller, how does this help me?

As a Top Rated Seller you can benefit from:

  • Fee discounts
  • Exclusive search boost for product listings
  • Top Rated Seller Status Badge (Increased buyer confidence and sales)

What do I need to do as a seller?

  • Make sure you are familiar with the new Top Seller Requirements
  • Introduce/Update practises to meet these new requirements

Top Tips

  • Follow eBay best practises to avoid low DSR’s (1 and 2’s) Read More Here
  • Adopt early to ensure you meet these new requirements when they go live
  • Check your seller dashboard to track your progress towards Top-Rated Seller status
  • Consider using eBay’s label printing service to automatically upload your tracking information on listings – Read more here
  • Don’t forget, Frooition’s eBay designs are proven to increase sales by up to a massive 30%! Contact us today and see how you can benefit from a world-class eBay design

Check back each day over the next two weeks for a detail release on each key highlight of eBay Seller Release 12.1!

Check back tomorrow for a detailed release on eBay’s New Return Center :: (Early June)

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