The eCommerce design and build team at Frooition likes nothing better than fitting a square peg into a round hole. That’s why so many clients come to us after being let down by other agencies who just want to knock out “standard” websites. To be honest, we enjoy the challenge of bespoke builds and believe that eCommerce functionality should be pushed to its limits.

It’s perhaps because of our “can-do” attitude that so many B2B wholesale clients have recently come knocking on our door.

Wholesale is a very different game to retail, and the everyday tools that eCommerce design and build agencies feel comfortable with, just don’t cut the mustard.

Frictionless B2B eCommerce

When it comes to managing and exceeding our B2B clients’ expectations, our weapon of choice is BigCommerce’s B2B edition.

The BigCommerce B2B edition has all the benefits you would expect from what is, in our opinion, the most stable, robust, scalable, and easy-to-use eCommerce platform. In addition, it’s got all the functionality a B2B client needs to serve their diverse and demanding client base.

The B2B platform offers a unique suite of eCommerce features straight out of the box, including:

  • Corporate Account Management: Allowing users to set up multiple tiers of buyers with specific roles and permissions.
  • Invoice Portal: Allowing your customers to manage and pay invoices with credit cards, ACH transfers, purchase orders, and other payment options.
  • Shared Shopping Lists: Allowing users to manage and save multiple shopping lists which can be retrieved for future use.
  • Payment Method Visibility Control: Allowing you to add, edit, show, or hide approved payment options for customers, including purchase orders and credit card information.
  • Sales Representative Masquerade: Allowing you to shop on behalf of your clients.
  • Quoting: Allowing your team to create quotes or modify buyers’ requests for quotes.
  • Buy Again: Making it incredibly simple for your customers to make repeat purchases.
  • Trade Professional Application: Allowing your guest and B2C users to apply for a corporate account to access B2B account functionality.

But all of this great functionality is just the tip of the iceberg.

Speak to Frooition at The Spring Fair about B2B eCommerce

Because B2B eCommerce isn’t always something you can buy off the peg, Frooition will be attending the Spring Fair in Birmingham from February 6 to 9, where our B2B eCommerce experts will be available to discuss your individual needs.

Come and visit us in Hall #5, Stand #5M45.

If you cannot make it to the show, book an appointment with a member of our B2B eCommerce team, and we’ll call you back at a time convenient for you.

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