Shopify design benefits

Shopify is the out of the box e-commerce solution that’s spreading like wildfire. Shopify design benefits from a whole host of features for both sellers and their customers. Simple and scalable, Shopify certainly has a lot going for it. But no solution is perfect for every merchant.

Here’s a run down of Shopify design’s benefits.

  1. Easy set up

    Shopify is designed to be easy for sellers. For example, registration takes just 60 seconds. The admin interface is clean, user-friendly and intuitive. In addition, all the features are logically structured and easy to navigate. Furthermore, extensive help documentation and video guides can be found on the Shopify site. All you need is a product to sell!

  1. Support

    When you build and host your own e-commerce site, your developers are your only form of support. This can quickly become expensive. Shopify’s email, phone, and chat support is the safety net sellers need to launch a new e-commerce site knowing that managing it won’t spiral costs out of control.

  1. Affordability

    The number one rule for startups in any industry is to keep costs low without cutting quality. Compared to other shopping cart platforms, Shopify is very competitive for its price point. For a relatively low monthly cost, you get everything you need to power a fast and reliable e-commerce website.

  1. No tech knowledge needed

    You don’t need coding ability or any technical expertise at all to run a Shopify store. All software and hosting is provided and maintained by Shopify. It’s a true click and go solution that anyone can use. However, Shopify still represents a really strong offering even for the most tech savvy user. Shopify design benefits from massive infrastructure and teams of experts working to ensure the speed and security of your site is always enterprise standard.

  1. Security

    Security is an increasing concern for all businesses online. Certainly, for e-commerce businesses, processing payments and storing contact details, security is a massive priority.

    Because Shopify is a hosted solution, any possible weaknesses in the tech supporting stores are handled by Shopify.

    In addition, Shopify alerts sellers to possible fraudulent transactions.

    Finally, Shopify takes care of the PCI compliance required when you deal with credit cards, so you don’t have to.

  1. Fast loading

    Shopify design benefits from being a globally hosted solution. In other words, every Shopify design benefits from robust infrastructure, optimised hardware and software. Consequently, Shopify sites have super fast loading speed. In addition, Shopify takes care of all server maintenance and upgrades needed to keep your store and shopping cart available and loading quickly at all times .

  1. Design

    Shopify has professional, attractive store design options to suit every budget. The free theme that comes with new accounts is very basic. However, there’s a wide range of more advanced themes available to buy. Themes can simply be uploaded and used as soon as products are added. Alternatively, themes can be tailored to your individual preference. This is an easy way to create a professional looking e-commerce store on a budget. Further, for sellers who have a particular layout mind, or who need advanced functionality, Shopify provides the flexibility for designers and developers to create custom Shopify designs.

  1. Mobile

    Mobile e-commerce sales accounted for 34.5% of total e-commerce sales in 2017, and that number is growing.

    There’s no way around it, if your store is not mobile friendly, you’re leaving money on the table.

    Being accessible is not enough. Customers want and expect retailers to offer them excellent shopping experiences on all devices. Therefore, the fact that Shopify store designs are all mobile friendly is a huge benefit for sellers.

    In addition, sellers benefit from free iPhone and Android apps for managing stores from mobile.

  1. Great for search

    You can have the most amazing product and store imaginable, but if no one can find it, you won’t make any sales.

    Firstly, Shopify design benefits from clear category structuring. Search engines love this, and so do shoppers. A well-structured, easy to navigate store makes it easy for search engines to match user searches with your products.

    Shopify stores have great structure for SEO. They also have the features you need to rank highly in regular, image, and shopping-specific searches.

  1. Shopify design benefits for SEO:

      • Mata titles – Tell search engines and users what each page is about. You can edit title tags for pages, products, and collections in your Shopify admin.
      • Meta descriptions – Not strictly a ranking factor, but meta descriptions summarise what users can expect and  give them a reason to click. More clicks from people who won’t bounce means better ranking. Shopify automatically generates meta descriptions, and you can edit them in your Shopify admin.
      • Custom URLs – Shopify allows you to make urls that reflect your content.
      • Headings – Headings and subheadings show search engines (and readers) how you’ve structured your content.
      • Image alt text – alt text describes what appears in images. It’s useful for both visually impaired visitors to your site and search engines.
      • High speed – Shopify is a very reliable service. They even have a status page where you can track their performance.
      • Mobile friendly – Shopify stores work seamlessly on mobile.
      • SSL encryption (HTTPS) – All Shopify stores use SSL encryption.
      • 301 redirects – If you change a page’s URL or have a landing page you no longer want people directed to, 301 redirects mean people will be directed to the new page even if they follow an old link. Setting up 301 redirects with Shopify is easy. Just go to the ‘URL Redirects’ section of the dashboard and enter the URLs.
      • Sitemap – A complete list of pages on your site which tells search engines how it’s structured. Just add ‘/sitemap.xml’ to the end of any site’s URL to see for yourself. Shopify automatically generates sitemaps.
      • Canonical tags – If you have multiple versions of one page, canonical tags allow you to choose which one search engines should focus on. This stops them from competing with each other for ranking. Shopify automatically generates canonical links.
  1. Save sales

    Statistics show that, while numbers can vary between industries, the overall rate of cart abandonment is 73.9%. As many as 75% of people who abandon carts, do so intending to return and complete their purchase later. Shopify offers an abandoned checkout cart recovery service. This feature automatically tracks and emails these potential customers, reminding them to complete their purchase. As a result, you increase your conversion rate and generate more revenue.

    Shopify has lowered the barriers to entry in e-commerce and changed the industry forever. Over 600,000 stores are currently powered by Shopify. Sign up for a free trial to get started today. If you want advice on Shopify design and creating a multi channel e-commerce funnel with Shopify, contact Frooition for no obligation advice.

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