eBay have just announced the Seller Release 16.2 and it’s pretty much all good news for sellers. The bi-annual release covers changes to the eBay ecosystem. The summary of changes are:

  • Structured Data
  • Shipping and returns
  • Active Content
  • Seller Tools – Seller Hub
  • Seller Performance Standards
  • Category changes
  • Fee increase for reserve price
  • Delivery service from Shutl
  • Good ‘Til Cancelled for Business Sellers

Structured Data (UK and US)

eBay are extending their structured product identifiers to include none standard identifiers.

Feb 2017

eBay are making the following identifiers acceptable for product identifiers:

  • Amazon Standard identification number [ASIN]
  • Google product identifier
  • Private label identifier

The current permitted identifiers are:

  • Global trade item number [GTIN]
  • Manufacturer part number [MPN]
  • eBay product identifier [ePID]

eBay have also stated that for the majority of categories sellers will require at least 1 identifier and N/A or DOES NOT APPLY will not be accepted from February 2017. EBay also recommend using GTIN or MPN over the other options, falling back to ASIN, ePID, Private or google identifiers as a last resort.

Frooition customers:

The new Product identifiers will be accepted through the Frooition software from February 2017.

Shipping and Returns (US)

eBay are allowing the option of a replacement or exchanged item rather than only offering a refund.

October 2016

Sellers can now select additional refund options when listing an item. The available options will be:

  • Accept returns
  • Money Back
  • Money Back or Replacement (buyer’s choice)
  • Money Back or Exchange (buyer’s choice)

Sellers can also offer replacement or exchange when buyers request a return. The ability to automate replacements and exchanges will also be available.

Frooition Customers:
The additional returns options will be available in the Frooition software from October.

Active Content (Global)

eBay Have re-iterated the active content removal from listings and have confirmed the date that Active content will no-longer be displayed.

June 2017


EBay announced in the spring 2016 seller release that they are removing Active Content from listings.  Active content includes JavaScript, Flash, Form Actions and plug-ins. This active content inhibits purchases on mobile devices and also poses potential security risks.

Frooition customers:

Frooition have altered all of their eBay design services to be active content compliant – removing the need for JavaScript or flash.

Frooition active content compliant designs

Seller Hub (UK & US)

EBay’s new Seller Hub will become the preferred tool for managing your eBay business. Selling Manager, Turbolister and SMP will no longer be supported.


Spring 2017


EBay are strongly recommending sellers move to the seller hub for a better experience, improved functionality and more coherent interface.

Sellers can already opt in to seller hub, as of spring 2017 new eBay features will not be added to Selling Manager, Selling Manager Pro or Turbolister.

Full breakdown of Seller hub features:


Frooition customers:

Seller hub does not affect your Frooition account or services.

Seller Performance standards (UK & US)

eBay are making seller standards easier to understand with an improved dashboard. If a seller falls foul of the standards they have 3 months to improve before limits or restrictions are imposed.


October 20th 2016


eBay are improving the information they provide when sellers fall foul of the standards. Providing more valuable insight into the reasons why a seller is below standard. On top of this eBay will then provide guidance on how a seller can improve their individual situation.

eBay are also helping sellers by deferring any performance limits or restrictions for 3 months to allow sellers to have a fair chance at getting back on track and bring their standards up.

Frooition customers:

Seller performance standards are not affected by Frooition services.

Category Changes (UK and US)

EBay have announced the changes to categories and item specifics.


October 4th 2016


EBay are making various changes to categories.

UK Sellers click here

US Sellers click here

Frooition customers:

The category and item specific options in the Frooition software will update to match eBay’s new structure as the new categories are released.

Sellers can check their categories using the Frooition eBay category lookup tool.

Fee increase for reserve price (US)

The cost of using a reserve price on listings will increase to $3 or 4% of the reserve price (Whichever is highest) with a max fee of $100.


October 1st 2016.


eBay want to discourage the use of reserve prices so have increased the cost of this feature to $3 or 4%.

Frooition customers:

The increased feature cost will be reflected in the listing section of the Frooition Software.

New delivery service from Shutl (UK)

EBay are replacing the current label platform using the eBay owned company Shutl.


Summer 2017

(Beta later this year TBC)


Shutl is a delivery services company that allows access to different couriers through one portal with reduced rates. Currently it supports Hermes Economy service but they had to add more couriers soon allowing more freedom and better pricing for sellers.

Shutl allows sellers to purchase postage directly through eBay and print consistent labels directly without needing 3rd party tools.

Frooition customers:

Shutl will not affect the Frooition software.

Good ‘Til Cancelled for all business sellers

eBay are extending the Good ‘til cancelled feature to all business sellers not just store subscribers.


October 2016


A good ‘til cancelled listing stays active indefinitely until the item sells out or is cancelled by the seller. Every 30 days a new 30 day listing is created keeping the sales history.

Frooition customers:

The good ‘til cancelled option will be available for business sellers without a store from October.

Categories: Frooition

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