Why is design important?

Imagine, you’re walking down the street and you’re trying to find a nice pair of shoes for a night out. As you pass a few shops and stalls you come across a bare and rickety market store which looks as though they may sell the shoes you’re looking for but it’s hard to tell amidst the jumbled display and what looks to be crumpled shoe boxes.

With a toothless smile the gentlemen invites you over to take a closer view of his merchandise; just then you notice a smart shoe shop where it’s clean, organised and the shoes are all neatly displayed and accessible, the staff all appear smartly dressed with company branded shirts and a clear sign is displayed in the window “money back guarantee”. Where would you shop?

No doubt, some would stay at the market store – I mean a shoes a shoe, right? But perhaps like me, you’d head straight to the inviting shoe shop.

Why? … Confidence.

In all honesty the market might have had the exact same products but it comes down to which appears to inspire more trust and confidence.

  • Confidence to know you’ll find the right products quickly, easily and hassle free.
  • Confidence to know the shop will be there tomorrow.
  • Confidence to know the products you buy are guaranteed by a professional looking business.
  • Confidence to know you can get a replacement or a refund should there be issues with your shoes.
  • Confidence in knowing the store is concerned about your experience and their business reputation.
  • Confidence to know the shop is legally bound to honour trading standards and recognises the law.

The list goes on, but crucially it’s the design and appearance of the store that captures your attention and inspires the confidence to buy.

Ask yourself, does my online shop inspire the trust and confidence of a professional business? Does my site look current and relevant for today’s market? Not sure? Contact Frooition today and see how we can increase your sales!

We create powerful designs to:

  • Increase sales.
  • Enhance your brand.
  • Get ahead of the competition.
  • Look current and relevant for today’s market.
  • Or even to shed a negative image!

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