Customer Data – A gold mine of opportunity! – Part 2

Right now, you’re sat on a gold mine, a large gold mine that is simply waiting to be tapped.


I’ll bet many of your would read this and think what on earth am I on about? But the truth is you’ve already done the hard part; you’ve spent the time, spent the money and built a relationship with your customer and prospect lists. All you need to do now is re-engage them.

“Visitors returning to a web site are eight times more likely to buy”

Building on an existing relationship costs far less than trying to establish a new one and existing prospects are much more likely to buy with you.

Consider the following to remain engaging with your prospects:

  • Generate a positive customer experience.
    A positive customer experience generates referrals, future purchases and increases customer loyalty. 

    Tip: Request customer feedback, this will not only show how you value your customer’s opinions and therefore strengthen your relationship with them but also provide invaluable information on how you might be able to enhance your business.

  • Ensure you’re transparent.
    A perceived hidden agenda can frighten and unsettle.
    Put yourself in your client’s position and run a few scenarios with your business, is there anything that might unsettle you? Is there a visible phone number to contact the business should you need a refund? Is the website secure? 

    Tip: If you charge ‘delivery’ for refunded products then make this transparent to reduce client frustrations and preserve a good relationship with your clients.

  • Be current.
    Ensure you’re current for today’s market this will inspire additional buyer confidence and increase sales. 

    Tip: Ask honest friends and family what their first impression is of your website, do they feel it’s current? Is it relevant for the market of today? You might consider an ecommerce redesign!

  • Be Relevant.
    If you’re not relevant, clients will not engage with you. 

    Tip: Consider asking your top 5 clients (whom you have an excellent relationship) for feedback on your website and products – what would they expect to see?

  • Keep in regular contact with your clients.
    This doesn’t mean bombard your clients with 5 different email marketing sales pitches, try to provide high value content that’s relevant to your business and client’s interests. 

    Tip: Finding the balance of content type and frequency of send is challenging and varies greatly depending on marketing medium. Test sending different content at different frequencies to find what works for your clients, a good place to start is a monthly newsletter.

  • Consider your company voice.
    Essentially this is the sound of your company through words often related to the point of view and professional standing of the company.
  • Consider your company tone.
    Simply the personality of your brand or company as expressed through words.
  • Be consistent.
    Ensure your messages are consistent not only in frequency but in message relevancy, interest and company tone. Clients become familiar with great content  and come to expect it frequently.

That’s great, but how do I re-engage my existing customers?

Excellent question! First, you need to recognise that you know your customers like no one else does, second, knowing what your customers like, which is more suited – a special offer or high value information?

A Special offer or discount

A great way to ignite a customer flame is to offer them an ‘exclusive reward’ for being your customer. This could be through a loyalty programme, exclusive discounts or a one off special offer.

Tip: If you’re offering an exclusive discount or special offer ensure it’s relevant to your customer’s buying habits.

High value information

If you were your customer, what would you like to hear about? What information might help you get more out of xyz product? By answering these questions and providing this information you will not only strengthen your relationship with your clients but also reaffirm your authority in the industry.

Consider which of the above two would be more engaging and send that campaign!

Check back next week for Part 3 – Bringing it all together.

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