Christmas Networking

It’s the time of year where parties are many and friends and colleagues alike are planning for a well deserved great night out. Yet, as a professional your work is never over, consider these great networking tips and have one successful night out!

“Like a celebrity, you’re on show and being judged by friends, peers and critics”

  • Have a plan!
    Whether it’s your work Christmas party or a professional network seminar, having a plan will make for a smooth and effective event. Consider the following, Why are you going? What do you hope to achieve? Is there someone you need to meet? How are you going to do this?
  • Dress accordingly.
    Dress as you feel comfortable but consider what signals you might be giving off.
  • Remember your body language.
    80% of communication is without words; ensure you convey a relaxed, confident and open posture.
    Tip – Carry a kind smile, be conscious of arm folding, maintain balanced eye contact, don’t stare, avoid looking down at the floor.
  • Be confident.
    You know something that no one else knows, this makes you interesting and knowing you’re interesting builds confidence. Confidence creates an aura which draws people to you.
  • A good listener…
    People naturally warm to good listeners, be attentive and a balanced voice of reason.
  • Content is key.
    Content is the source of great conversation, yet many struggle to find the right words. If in doubt, listen to what your peers are saying and show a gentle interest, the conversation will naturally grow as you all relate to personal experiences.
    Tip – Ask questions on experiences your peers may have enjoyed – Where’s their favourite place in the whole world? Why is that? Perhaps relate to places you’d like to visit.
  • Accountability means respect.
    We’ve all made mistakes, being willing to discuss such experiences and accept how we’ve learned from them shows humility and earns respect from those around you.
  • Be genuine, be you.
    All too often we see people pretending to be more than they are or something they are not, this falseness shines through; relax and be yourself.
  • Don’t take things personally.
    Not everyone you meet wants to talk whether this is due to personal circumstance or by nature; if you come across conversation stoppers be pleasant, wish them well and simply move on.
  • Have fun!
    Networking is great fun and very enjoyable, nothing beats meeting new people and hearing about their interesting experiences – enjoy the moments!

Ultimately networking is all about having fun, meeting new people and extending your personal and professional network. It can take years to build and yet minutes to break, one foolish slip can bruise if not shatter your personal and professional reputation so take care and enjoy the festivities!

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