From early May and Late June sellers can opt into manage postage, returns and payment information from one central location rather than having to detail the information on each individual listing.

(Please note, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information)


  • Sellers who opt-in to business policies can specify a set of policies for postage, returns and payment information to apply to an individual or a group of specific listings

As a seller, how does this help me?

Balancing DSR’s is vitally important to attain a Top Rated Seller Status on eBay and equally important to increase customer satisfaction and increase further sales. With one central location to manage your business policies you can streamline your listing process and create greater buyer transparency which in turn can reduce seller questions, increase buyer confidence and support those all important DSR’s.

What do I need to do as a seller?

  • Opt-in to and adopt the new eBay business policies for your product returns as soon as its available in May to benefit from:
    – Listing time saving when creating listings – define policies and reuse multiple times
    – One central location to update all of your policies without having to update each listing in turn
    – Minimise the risk of mistakes and streamline the policy management process
  • Create a competitive set of policies to stand out from the competition and remember, with increased transparency you will inspire greater confidence in your buyers

Top Tips

  • Test extending your return policy and see how buyer confidence increases and therefore your sales!
  • Make your business policies transparent and easy reading to further improve confidence
  • Consider using a bulk revision tool to update all your listings on mass and save a huge amount of your time and money
  • Don’t forget to check out Frooition’s bulk revision tool at

Check back tomorrow for details on eBay’s new International Selling Hub

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