Ecommerce is changing, are you ready?

Ecommerce is changing, with the boundaries between online and offline drawing ever closer, and with the latest developments in mobile phone apps, do you wonder where it’s all going?

The use of mobile phone apps has turned ecommerce on its head, allowing shoppers to research products live online whilst browsing products in store, shrinking the once vast gap between  online and offline shopping. Granted, we’re a long way off from the ultimate mobile shopping experience, but how far is that exactly?

eBay have a vision, and in that vision, they talk of a lady walking down the street with her handbag. Now if you were to take a photo of that lady, eBay’s aim is for their shopping app to identify the handbag and instantly find similar products on eBay, which you could purchase instantly.

Now, that sounds exciting! But did you know, Google have developed an app that’s already half way there? Google Goggles, is a mobile app that allows you take a photo of a landmark picture or product and the app will identify the image and tell you what you’ve photographed. If this was a landmark or piece of artwork you’ll be presented with more information on the Internet, but if it’s a product then you’ll be connected straight to Google Shopping and be able to make a purchase.

When shopping we often go in groups, discuss great products and ask for lots of feedback, well social networks are now trying to replicate this shopping experience.  With the use of ‘Likes’ and Googles ‘+1’ (essentially the same as a Facebook ‘Like’) you can share products with friends more easily, and quicker than ever before using your mobile.

Launched earlier this month, ‘mobile wallets’ are being tested for transactions up to the value of £15.  Combine this with the newest Facebook feature, where your friend’s can make a purchase and it will appear in their news feed as a recommendation, it’s a wonder where ecommerce will go next?

What do you need to do as a business?

Whilst today, many businesses and retailers are unsure how to get started with ‘social’, simply making a start and connecting is the first move to your social success!

Start by producing a business page on facebook and creating a twitter account. Find rich relevant content to share with your clients, remember you have knowledge on your products that clients would love to know about, share it, but perhaps most of all, remember to keep it ‘social’.

In order to maximise your social impact, we recommend using our Facebook design service and software. With discount functionality and powerful product listing technology, we can display your products directly into your Facebook page, helping you get the most out of your social. Simply visit and let’s help you to ‘sell more online’.

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