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eBay Category Feature Finder

To help eBay Sellers everywhere, we’ve created this fantastic FREE tool!

This tool will help you get the most out of eBay. In addition, with the upcoming July changes to eBay categories, you’ll be able to see exactly what you need for each product listing!

“This tool is a brilliant solution to the latest eBay Changes, acting as guidance and support with the new Category Updates”

Key Highlights

  • Find product listing requirements for any eBay category
  • Filter for required Item Specifics, Multi-variations, mandatory Item Conditions, Product Catalogue Availability, and Parts Compatibility
  • Dynamically updates with new eBay changes
  • Works with all eBay sites and Countries
  • All in a single web page for intuitive and easy use

You can use this tool to find what fields are required for each product category. In addition, you can see which advanced features are available in each category (Products Catalogue, Multi-variation, required Item Specifics etc). Knowing these details will help you to not only prioritise your product loading onto eBay. Moreover, it will help you meet the new field changes in July’s updates.

This intuitive tool is easy to use. Simply select the eBay category you want to list in, and it returns all of the category’s requirements. If you prefer, just enter the eBay Category ID into the search box for quick location.

We’ve made our tool future proof. Every time there’s an eBay Category Update, the software updates automatically. As a result, you have one point of contact for all future listing efforts.

As a seller, how does this help me?

  • Helps you meet new eBay Category Seller updates
  • Shows what is required for each product listing
    (Main category to micro categories)
  • Helps you understand category listing requirements
  • Finds which categories can have multi-variations
  • Maximises your listing potential
  • Helps you to become a Top Rated Seller and supports your search standing as a Top Rated Seller!

By identifying which product categories use multi-variations, you can maximise your listing potential and sales reach. Simply prioritising these in your listing efforts will give you maximum sales impact whilst using minimal effort.

Key Benefits for you using multi-variation listings:

  • Saving Time: Listing once, instead of multiple times
  • Saving Money: You’ll pay fewer insertion fees, and get special pricing for pictures with variations
  • Gaining more visibility: As buyers start purchasing from your multi-quantity listings, your listings can appear higher in Best Match search results

What do I need to do as a seller?

  • Start using this great tool now, and prepare for the July eBay updates
  • Pro-actively list in multi-variation categories to maximise returns
  • Bookmark this great tool for future use to help you with future eBay updates

Top Tips

  • Use this tool to prioritise your listing efforts, improving efficiency and maximising listing impact
  • When launching new products onto eBay, research new product category requirements to allocate resource requirements. i.e. is this product supported by eBay Product Catalogue?
  • Keep ahead of eBay category updates through using this tool and meeting future mandatory field requirements (Updated live by eBay)

With such a great tool, you may ask yourself, why have we produced it and why is it completely FREE?

As the world’s only eBay Certified Design Company, we have a special relationship with eBay. As part of that relationship we want to help you sell more online. We want to provide you the best support tools possible. This FREE tool will help you do just that! However, we don’t just produce great FREE tools, we also produce brilliant high quality designs which are proven to increase your sales by up to 30% on eBay!

Simply visit us here and take a look at how we can help you ‘sell more online’ with our other fantastic products.

Click Here to Start using this great free tool

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