Frooition have devised an experiment to see which method is the quickest for listing to eBay.

We will be testing the Frooition software against eBay’s standard Sell Your Item flow.

We will be testing the separate stages of the listing process to show which is the faster method and where the time sinks are!

This experiment will demonstrate the ease of use as well as the swiftest method to list your items.

For this example the description will be pre-written, ready to be pasted into the appropriate description areas. For the eBay Sell Your Item method we will be selecting the Advanced Sell form with a very simple HTML template typical of most eBay sellers.

Frooition ask that you determine which eBay domain you are listing to and which listing method you are using (whether it be direct from Frooition or a third party listing tool).

eBay’s SYI form requires you to select the category first. You can search for a category, browse the category trees or use a recently used category.

The Frooition Software also offers category browsing or searching on one page without the need to click through tabs. As before with the eBay method, category listing is simple and broken down into sub-categories for easy selection. The Frooition software also allows you to specify your eBay store categories in this step.

eBay gives you the option to add a picture, with the first image for free and a limit of twelve images maximum. A text box allows the item description to be entered in a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get!) editor or with the option of HTML. However, there are few less editing features in comparison to the Frooition Software coding box. For this experiment we are using a simple HTML template that will need to entered in the HTML view.

The Frooition Software asks you to add images (up to 20) plus the option to add videos. Then you enter the product description where you can set the font, size and colour, as well as further options to justify the text and include the use of bullet points and hyperlinks using a simple WYSIWIG interface. For this experiment we can just paste the description in from our notepad software.

Clicking the ‘Source’ tab will allow advanced users to edit the HTML code.

The arrangement of product images can also be determined with a choice of three layout options.

The eBay item specifics are on the same page as the item description, you simply choose the relevant features from the drop downs or add your own.

The Frooition Software offers the same drop down specific details such as size, colour, brand etc.

In the penultimate part to the listing process you set the payment and shipping details for your auction.

EBay provides a form to enter payment details such as starting price, quantity, duration of auction as well as many alternative options such as donations to charities, giving it a complicated, congested feel.

The Frooition Software uses a very concise approach, offering a clear interface to make the completion short and swift, whether it be for an Online Auction or a Fixed Price sale.

Postage & Packaging details can be entered by selecting methods from drop-down menus and tick boxes.

The final part of the process comes to the overall review of the auction. Listing enhancements are on offer from both platforms such as Gallery Plus and Subtitle.

Frooition Software also offers optional features such as listing the product in Bold or highlight. There is also the choice of showcasing your listing in the Featured area of the search results. A larger image option may also be purchased.

As long as you don’t have a great deal to amend, the final review will only take a matter of seconds. In this case, Frooition Software provided the slightly quicker alternative due to its concise page format.

See the end results!

Categories: eBay

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