eBay sellers undoubtedly are working harder than ever to ensure that buyers expectations are met. In Recent years eBay have increased the pressure on sellers to up levels of service, but the truth is that the best sellers already provide service over and above that provided by many other ecommerce sites.

In order to reduce the workload for sellers eBay have provided many automation tools available to sellers, both to reduce listing management and to handle customer communications. Many of the automation tools are within Selling Manager Pro, although some are available to all sellers without a Selling Manager Pro subscription.

Automation tools available to all sellers

Best offer

Best offer gives the ability to automatically accept or decline Best Offers from buyers. Rather than manually decide whether to accept or decline an offer from a buyer when you create (or edit) a fixed price listings you can set the minimum offer you’re willing to automatically accept and also the minimum offer you will automatically decline. In many circumstances the auto accept and decline will be the same price, but if you’re willing to accept a lower offer for multiple quantity purchases set the auto decline at the lowest level you’d accept if a buyer purchased your entire inventory. Your auto accept should always be set at the lowest price you’d be willing to accept if a buyer purchases a single item.

End of auction emails

Did you know that eBay automatically send an email to winning bidders and that you can customise the end of auction email to include a personal message?

Did you know that eBay automatically send an email to winning bidders?

This enables you to send more detailed payment information if you accept payment methods such as bank transfer and gives the opportunity to include your shop logo in the email. If you’re selling custom made items or offering a choice of colour you can use this email to automatically send the buyer further instructions on how to complete their order.

Buyer Requirements

There are certain times that you may wish to decline sales from some types of buyer. For instance if your only accepted payment method is PayPal you can block buyers who don’t have a PayPal account, or if there are certain countries you don’t ship to you can block buyers whose primary delivery address in a country that you don’t post to. By using your buyer requirements to decide who can, and more importantly who can’t buy from you it’ll save time with unpaid items, cancelled orders and also protects your feedback from disappointed buyers.

Immediate Payment

For those sellers who wish to eliminate unpaid items eBay offer the facility to only complete a sale when the buyer makes payment. Until the buyer completes the payment the item is still available for other buyers to purchase and only items that are paid will be sold. The downside of immediate payment is that you won’t be able to offer combined shipping, Best offers that you accept are outside the immediate payment process, and buyers wishing to purchase multiple items from different listings will have to complete payment for each listing individually.

Commmunications with buyers

Sellers can cut down on questions from buyers by using automated Q&A with auto answers. Rather than continually receiving the same questions from buyers about where you ship to, which payment methods you accept, what your returns policy is or even questions about the item condition set your Q&A to answer these questions for you. It’s even possible to turn off the facility for buyers to contact you direct from listings and a message will simply be displayed stating “This seller is currently not answering questions” forcing buyers to use your pre-set Q&A to answer their questions.

Read Part 2

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