eBay email marketing is one of the strongest features of an eBay shop. It’s also one of the most under used.  Your eBay store’s email function allows you to build a list of previous customers and people who have expressed an interest in your products. eBay emails can remind them to re-visit your listings.

It’s worth pointing out that under UK law you’re not allowed to send emails to consumers unless they’ve specifically opted in to receive your marketing. In addition, eBay prohibits you from sending marketing (either by email or traditional post) as set out in the Spam Policy and the “No Spam” section of the eBay User Agreement.

By building email marketing lists through your eBay shop you can build a legitimate list of subscribers who’ve opted in to receive your email marketing. eBay themselves append emails with opt out information and ensure that they’re only sent to legitimate subscribers.

Building email marketing lists

Every eBay business should prioritise building email marketing lists. When you open an eBay shop, immediately rename the Mailing Lists. eBay’s default is a single list entitled “General Interest”. Simply renaming this to “Sales”, “Special Offers”, “Wholesale” or if appropriate for your products “Christmas Specials”, or “Valentines Gifts” will make a huge difference to subscriber numbers.

Make sure that your email marketing sign up is prominently displayed in your eBay shop. Make use of the Listing Frame to add in the default “Sign up for Shops newsletter” link and add a link to your email signature. Rather than using eBay’s “My Messages” to respond to customer messages if you use your email client your email signature will be appended to all replies to customers.

How to construct effective email marketing

When you send email marketing, think about what will appeal to customers. If you’re using “MarkDown Manager” to discount items in your eBay shop – send email marketing to highlight this. Over the Easter school holidays send an email highlighting a series of auctions to encourage buyers to place a bid and possible grab a bargain.

At times of year that you know buyers will be in the market for your products you can highlight these either by hand selecting products to be highlighted on your email marketing, or by automatically selecting them based on the criteria you set. This can be by keyword, by shop category, newly listed, highest or lowest price. eBay will then automatically update your email marketing with relevant products from your eBay listings according to the criteria that you select.

Think about how you feel when you receive marketing emails. Unless there’s a specific message to hook you, you probably delete. Email marketing needs a strong message to capture reader’s attention. It then needs a  clear call to action such as “Place a bid” or “Buy now”.

” A great method for attracting buyers is to include a special offer in the email marketing only available to email marketing subscribers.”

A great method for attracting buyers is to include a special offer in the email marketing only available to email marketing subscribers. A simple way to set this up is to choose a single product and set it as a fixed price listing with Best Offer. In your email tell buyers that they can purchase at a discounted price and that the offer will be accepted, and of course when you set up the Best Offer on eBay make sure you check the auto-accept button at the price that you’re offering in your email marketing. Using this method it’s possible to attract buyers to a single listing and sell large quantities of product. You just need a reasonably large list of email marketing subscribers.

Email marketing should send a key message to potential buyers along with a clear call to action. This will increase your sales. It can also attract previous customers to purchase from you again. If you’ve not set up your email marketing lists that’s the first place to start. As soon as you’ve built a reasonable number of subscribers start constructing emails and give buyers a reason to re-visit your eBay shop.
(These links are only relevant to sellers who have subscribed to an eBay shop)
Email Marketing
Mailing Lists
Listing Frame
MarkDown Manager

Categories: eBay

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