OK, so it looks like Google are to roll out some new features and functionality to their superb Google Analytics package (free of charge for all you folks that haven’t currently implemented this with your CA Stores or stand-alone Websites).

Over the next several weeks Google are set to migrate all accounts to the new interface, so worry not if your account looks no different.

OK, so onto the features..

Customizable Dashboard

so one of the major features – in my eyes anyway – is the option to customize your dashboard (with drag & drop functionality). Every time I use G.A, I find myself viewing the same key data reports, no matter what the site, and even though it’s not exactly difficult to navigate to these different areas, I did often ask why the reports couldn’t be customized and saved for future use (or even assigned to a particular user).

This minor update is a win for me, and will save time not only finding relevant data, but will also allow me to see correlation between the data more easily. *thumbs up

Trend and Date Slider

I quite like the new feature which allows you to visually highlight specific areas in your data to spot trends and key data areas.

Email Reports

A handy little feature here which allows you to automatically send detailed information in different formats (PDF, XML & CSV) from your new “personalised dashboard” *minor celebration*. Even though I haven’t yet tested this yet it will save a couple clicks a day that’s for sure.

Geo Targeting

If you’re running location specific campaigns the new visual functionality will again help to find out what works and what doesn’t per location. Giving you both information on who, how, where, when and the value for each visitor too.

There are more features, and you can find these using the links below.

Personally I think G.A should introduce some ‘best practice’ reports, which help the basic user find the vitals and put them to use, as this is something I’m asked for advice on quite often. A tutorials / open workshop area would be a great move.

Anyhoo, overall some great new features which i’m itching to get my hands on.. roll on the roll out!

More Info:

Google Analytics – Video Overview

Google Analytics – New Features

Also be sure to subscribe to the Google Analytics blog, for all things analytics.. http://analytics.blogspot.com/2007/05/new-version-of-google-analytics.html

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