eBay Multi-variation Listing Changes (USA)

Multi-variation listings save you time and money by empowering you to list several product variants in the same listing, not only does this make listing more efficient for you but also enhances the buying experience with all similar product variations conveniently positioned in one place.

To further enhance the eBay buying and selling experience eBay are making further enhancements to Multi-variation listings, item specifics and search.

(Please note, this is just a guide, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information)

Multi-variation listings – October 2012

Key Highlights:

  • Buyers will start to see more details about multi-variation listings in search results, such as price ranges, color options, etc.
  • You will be able to rename existing variations on active listings i.e. if your listings include Size 14, you can update your listings to include Women’s Size 14 whether or not the listing has already received sales.
  • You will be able to bulk-edit price and quantity in your multi-variation listings whether or not those particular listings have already received sales.
  • Increased ease to add pictures for different variations
  • You will be able to add new variations to existing multi-variation listings whether or not those particular listings have already received sales i.e. you could add a material variation to listings that already have colors or size variations.
  • You will be able to specify related variation details such as Size / Size Type and Color / Color Shade which will help you match your listings to more relevant buyer searches.

As a seller how does this affect me?

Sellers who embrace these latest multi-variation changes stand to benefit from increased relevant search exposure, traffic and sales on eBay as potential buyers will be able to find relevant products quicker with increased confidence.

What do I need to do as a seller?

  • Familiarise yourself with the latest changes to multi-variation listings.
  • Add related variation details to multi-variation listings from October (Color, Shade etc).

Top Tips

  • Update your multi-variation listings to include as many item specifics and variations as is available to increase your potential search exposure.
  • If you are listing clothing, shoes or accessory items which only differ in size or color consider using multi-variation listings to save listing costs and list more efficiently.

About Frooition

With over 100,000 online client’s and a reputation of ‘World Leading Designs’; Frooition is a world leading design company. Working with enterprise clients Frooition create custom eBay store and listing designs that are proven to enhance clients buying experiences. Their corporate branding portfolio includes Calvin Klein, Karen Millen, Laura Ashley, Speedo, ToysRus and many more. Contact us today and see how you can benefit from our world leading eBay designs.
Don’t forget our designs are proven to increase eBay sales by up to a massive 30%! Contact us today! www.frooition.com

Check back tomorrow for a detailed release on SR12.2 Auction-style Listings

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