eBay Deadline Extended…

Originally set in May; the deadline for Clothing, Shoes & Accessories has now been extended to 20th July!

Excitingly, as an eBay seller, this will give you even more time to update all your seller listings. As of July 20th, item specifics for Brand, Style, Colour, Size Type and Size will be required for all new and revised listings in CSA. With all this extra information completed in your listings, fashion enthusiasts will be able to find your products more easily, increasing your exposure and therefore sales!

To help you, eBay are providing a report on May 30th through Advanced Search in Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro, which will help you identify any listings that do not currently have the required item specifics.

Watch a demo on adding new item specifics to CSA

Key Highlights

  • From 20th July, item specific details will be required for all new and revised listings in Fashion

What do I need to do as a Seller?

  • Use item specific values for all your new listings
  • Revise your existing listings with item specific values (including Good ‘Til Cancelled listings)

Top Tips

  • Continue to fully describe your item in the body of your listings and keep consistency with the item specific values you choose.
  • Provide plenty of photos that complement the description and item specifics.

How we can help?

As a Certified eBay Provider, we develop the latest hot tools and applications to help you get the most out of your eBay business. Bulk revision is our top eBay listing tool, this tool will not only save you a huge amount of time reviewing your listings (and labour costs), but it will also give you peace of mind to know you are being supported by a team of eBay Certified Experts.

Simply visit our website and contact us today to see how we can help you.

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